Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Energy Healing

Energy Healing grew out of understanding the energy of the human body, an understanding that was gained from other alternative healing methods. While bacteria and viruses cause illness and disease, people also seemed to be suffering from large scale congestion in the energy of their bodies. This congestion led to illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, depression, asthma, allergies, stomach problems and such like.

Energy Healing was developed to counteract these conditions caused by large scale energy congestion although it may work on other things. This congestion can be perceived in the arms, legs and body of a sick person, concentrating in the wrists and ankles. At first it was perplexing as to what it could be as it doesn't show up in healthy people.

Ary Griffin Energy Healing:
  1. Shamballa multidimensional healing
  2. Hado
  3. zero limit 

contact : 085691317352 

healing music 

Ary Griffin Magic demonstration

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

Energy What is it?

So what is this "energy" that we're talking about healing?
It’s not as esoteric as you may think. In fact, it surrounds you and embraces you—invisible, like the air you breathe, and just as real.
Also called prana, chi, ki, and qi, it is the life force that is the basis and animating power for the universe and everything in it. It surrounds us, permeates us, sustains us, and connects us to all things.
It's like the ocean, with each of us like a drop of water—-part of the ocean and yet at the same time, in some circumstances, separate. To put it another way, everyone and everything has its own energy field, which is both part of the larger, universal field, and in some ways separate from it.
You may think that this intangible force or field is something that can be perceived and understood and influenced by only a few gifted people--but that’s not the case. You constantly experience it and interact with it:
  • When you walk into someone’s home and instantly do or don’t like the way it feels.
  • When you're in a forest, and have a feeling of deep peace and renewal.
  • When you put your arm around a troubled friend, and he feels better.
  • When you speak up and bring calm and reason back to a group that has become angry and irrational.
  • When you liven up a dull party.
It's everywhere, as common--and as miraculous--as the air we breathe, the light of the sun and stars, the love of our family and friends.
Yet it can be difficult for people to entertain, let alone grasp, the concept of this invisible field.
*Nancy Hausauer*

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2012

My Family

Energy yg paling besar utk tetap berkarya 
Penyembuh terbaik untuk kembali ke titik nol melepas beban.

Energy cinta kasih memelihara kehidupan

Dengan Nama Allah yg maha pengasih dan penyayang
menjadi penyalur energi cinta kasih untuk mengobati, dan memelihara kehidupan.